What Is Pay Per Call?

Pay Per Call is the most cost efficient way to market your business today. The days of paying lots of money to drive traffic to your site then hoping some of that traffic actually picks up the phone to call you for a quote are over. We utilize the best marketing mediums available to ensure highly targeted leads and only charge for those leads. Pay Per Call is exactly what it sounds like...you are only paying for actual phone calls to your business.

What Does Target Soft Media Do For Me?

Target Soft Media builds online marketing campaigns tailored to your business model and you only get charged when actual, qualified leads come to you looking for your product or service. We are absolutely, 100% RESULTS DRIVEN! Target Soft Media partners with professional business owners and looks to establish long-lasting partnerships and understands the importance of making that relationship a win-win for both partners. Our goal is to make YOU money, save YOU money on your marketing budget and to help YOUR business grow. We do this by sending you exclusive leads. That's right, we don't send a new lead to 5-10 of your competitors and charge all of you for the lead. When you partner with Target Soft Media, we work with you and only you. We only send the most qualified leads available to you. How do we do this? When a potential customer calls us, we redirect the phone call directly to you.



Why Is Pay Per Call Right For Me?

  • Pay ONLY For Results!!!
  • No Contract. Pay As You Go
  • Exclusive Leads Sent Directly To You
  • No Deposit Required, We Bill Weekly

Interested? Please Tell Us About Your Business...

Please fill out the form below and we will contact you to get you set up.